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Geography 323 - Gray Wolf
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Group Research Paper
Group Members
Melanie Lee Wadsworth
Erin Leslie Barnhart
Joseph Ty Vrudny
Owen Robert Smith
Paul Schroder--Life
April 11 Research Paper Meeting
- Carefully follow the citation format from either
Ecology or Journal of
Biogeography not both.
- Other good sources of information:
Conservation Biology American
Naturalist Oikos Oekelogia Ecological
Monographs Nature Use on-line sources with care
- Read the homework assignment
| Female | Male
Latin name | Canis
lupus (CALU)
Length | 90-150cm (+
tail 35-50 cm)
Weight | 18-55kg | 20-80kg
Life span | 8-16 years
Maximal speed | 60-70km/h
Territory | 100-10000 km2
Pregnacy | 63 days |
Pups | 3-12 |
timber wolf
grey wolf
eastern timber wolf
Rocky Mountain wolf
buffalo wolf
brown wolf
| Canis lupus is in the order Carnivora and the class Mammala.
Canis lupus is an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.
TAXONOMY : There are 32
subspecies of wolf worldwide; 24 of these occur in North America. They are
differentiated by size, weight, color, cranial measurements, and geographic
location However, these characteristics vary within each subspecies. Also
their ranges can overlap and interbreeding occurs. All 24 North American
subspecies arelisted below. Those thought to be extinct are marked with an
Canis lupus ssp. irremotus
C.l. ssp. columbianus
C.l. ssp. occidentalis
C.l. ssp. lycaon
C.l. ssp. nubilus *
C.l. ssp. alces
C.l. ssp. pambasileus
C.l. ssp. tundrarum
C.l. ssp. hudsonicus
C.l. ssp. arctos
C.l. ssp. orion
C.l. ssp. labradorius
C.l. ssp. beothucus *
C.l. ssp. ligoni
C.l. ssp. fuscus *
C.l. ssp. crassodon
C.l. ssp. youngi *
C.l. ssp. mogollonensis *
C.l. ssp. monstrabilis *
C.l. ssp. baileyi
C.l. ssp. bernardi
C.l. ssp. mackenzii
C.l. ssp. manningi
C.l. ssp. griseoalbus
OTHER STATUS : The wolf is
threatened in Minnesota Alaskan and Canadian wolf populations are considered
viable . The wolf is rare in Michigan's Upper Peninsula . In Montana the
wolf is recolonizing areas around Glacier National Park and south towards
Missoula. It has also been seen denning in isolated areas of northern
Cite: Forest Service
Grey Wolf (Canis lupus)
info on the WWW
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Monday, 03-Mar-2025 14:15:51 CST